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The London-based Sylvia Plath Society, a global community of scholars, artists, students, and fans who love or want to know more about the poet Sylvia Plath, has published my review of Virginia Aronson’s Little Smiling Hooks, a collection of Plath-channeling poems, in their membership newsletter! Hell yeah they did! Even my bits about Pineapple Hill being a beach house in a cow pasture where I do most of my reading on the hot tub or second floor hammock!

Here’s a link to The Sylvia Plath Society’s “Who We Are” content—including their Second International Plath Zoomposium.

Here’s a link to my review in their newsletter.…/newsletter-special-edition-little…

And a link to other reviews I’ve written.

Well alrighty then. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.