This is my “beach house in a cow pasture” in Jonesville, South Carolina. About 17 acres total including a small vineyard, peach, plum, and persimmon ….
Category: Pineapple Hill
Truth be told, I’ve killed a lot of plants in my time. For instance, a 27-year-old bonsai tree in just a few weeks. Dozens of ….
Not long after building Pineapple Hill, my beach house in a cow pasture in rural South Carolina, I set up posts and cables for a ….
Not so great when rabbits raid Catawba grapevines. The other night they stripped two plants of all their leaves. Countermeasures. were needed: Chicken wire.
This is Pineapple Hill, my beach house in a cow pasture in rural South Carolina, where I do my writing in a third floor office, ….
Last year was great for blackberries and grapes (and wine) but peaches were hit hard by a fungus that ruined a good many. Called Brown ….
This is a view of Pineapple Hill from the field we call The Bottoms. That’s a REAL cow. (Yes, surprises me too.)
Squint to see the cow. Getting used to my new life in rural South Carolina meant deploying all types of counter-measures including, more than once, ….
A bird has built a nest in our newspaper delivery box! I hope it’s true that “no news is good news.”
Too much has been neglected: the fig, blueberry, and blackberry bushes, the peach, persimmon and loquat trees. The grapevines hang on their cables like Christ ….
Every beach house in a cow pasture in rural South Carolina should have a Hawaiian sling spear gun “just in case” the movie Sharknado becomes ….
I took a break from sailing to build Pineapple Hill, the beach house in a cow pasture. During that time it was hot and I ….