Pineapple Hill: Where I live, work, and play.

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This is my “beach house in a cow pasture” in Jonesville, South Carolina. About 17 acres total including a small vineyard, peach, plum, and persimmon trees plus fig, blueberry and blackberry bushes.

My office in on the third floor overlooking a field behind the house. Beyond the field are woods and the Jonesville Reservoir —a 35-acre pond which I’ve tried to make famous with claims of Sasquatch, Nessie, The Carolina Lizard Man, and other bizarre critters being there. Just for fun, mind you. Gallows humor while getting over the loss of two daughters and my mom, then a bad car wreck, then another major surgery (“life comes at your fast”).

There’s lots of deer (they eat my peaches), ‘possums, rabbits, and even a flow of turkeys we’ve collectively named “The Wilsons” (as in “Oh look, Honey, the WILSON’S ARE BACK!”). Sometimes my neighbors cows wander over. I have to chase them off in my golf cart, old Jeep Wrangler and, more than once, a Jaguar sedan.

It’s peaceful here. Sometimes too peaceful. I miss city life at times. Greenville and Spartanburg are nearby. Beyond Greenville is Atlanta. Beyond Spartanburg is Charlotte. Asheville too. Charleston and the beaches are three hours drive south.

I call this place a “farm” but so far all I’ve grown is patience.

Thanks for looking.

—Tim Bryant