Red Planet’s Interactive Web Site. (whatta riot!)
Back when interactive web sites were all the rage, an ad agency on the west coast created Red Planet where people from around the globe could log in to make a puppet-like character walk, run, fly and even talk.
It was a lot of fun.
One night I came in at about 2 a.m. from a night of schmoozing a client visiting from out-of-town. After checking my email, I went to Red Plant and at first it seemed totally deserted—something I’d never seen happen before.
I scrolled their cartoon-like landscape of meadows, bridges over brooks, forests, and so on…and then I found them all. A massive brawl of puppet people with fists flying and funny insults hurled. All in good fun, of course. Germans in with New Zealanders in with Arabs in with west coasties and everyone else having a ball.
It made me love mankind that much more.